Lola Meets the Bees (Paperback)
作者: Anna McQuinn 
書城編號: 28985245

原價: HK$80.00
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出版社: Charlesbridge Pub
出版日期: 2025/02/11 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781623545949

In the latest Lola Reads book, Lola learns about urban beekeeping in this simple and charming introduction to the importance of bees.

Lola is buzzing with excitement! She is off to visit beekeeper Zora and meet her honeybees.

At Zora's, Lola goes up to the roof to see the hives. Lola wears a special suit so she can get up close. She sees the queen bee, the workers, and the baby bees. She even gets to taste the honey Zora's bees have made.

Now Lola wants to help bees, so she plants some seeds at home. In no time at all, many kinds of bees visit her little wild space!

Lola Meets the Bees is the 8th title in the much-loved Lola Reads series, as book-loving Lola continues to be curious about the world around her.

Anna McQuinn 作者作品表

Barefoot Baby-Proof: If You're Happy and You Know It! (Paperback)

Lola Meets the Bees (Paperback)

Lulu Gets a Cat (Hardcover)

Lulu Gets a Cat (Paperback)

Leo at Lunch (Board Books)

Lulu Meets the Bees (Hardcover)

Zeki Eats Out (Paperback)

Lola Meets the Bees (Hardcover)

Lola's Nana-Bibi Comes to Visit (Paperback)

Zeki Rise And Shine (Big book)

Lulu Loves Stories (Paperback)

Zeki Hikes With Daddy (Paperback)

Leo on a Hike (Board Books)

Lulu's Nana Visits (Hardcover)

Leo at the Park (Board Books)

Zeki Goes To The Park (Paperback)

Lulu Loves Stories (Hardcover)

Lola's Nana-Bibi Comes to Visit (Hardcover)

Zeki Sleep Tight (Paperback)

Zeki Rise and Shine (Paperback)

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