Exploring the Environmental Upsides of COVID-19 Lockdowns (Paperback)
作者: Sana 
書城編號: 28986869

售價: $170.00

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出版社: Tredition Gmbh
出版日期: 2024/07/06
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9783384281791

While devastating for public health, COVID-19 lockdowns offered an unintended benefit: a glimpse into a cleaner planet. With reduced travel and industry, pollution levels plummeted. Imagine skies clear of smog and waterways teeming with life! This unexpected experiment highlighted the environmental impact of human activity. Researchers documented significant drops in air and water pollution, showcasing the Earth's potential for healing. However, these improvements were temporary. The true challenge lies in harnessing these learnings to create sustainable practices. Can we maintain a healthy environment while keeping society and economies functioning? By studying the environmental upsides of lockdowns, we can inform policies and technologies that promote a greener future, one that benefits both people and the planet.
Sana 作者作品表

Challenges and Techniques in Signal Detection with Unknown Covariance Matrix (Paperback)

Exploring the Environmental Upsides of COVID-19 Lockdowns (Paperback)

The Productive Mind: Cultivating a Winning Attitude for Success (Paperback)



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