Substack Mastery (Paperback)
作者: Mehmet Yildiz 
書城編號: 28987263

售價: $340.00

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出版社: Independent Cat
出版日期: 2024/10/06
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9798227040466


Are you ready to transform your approach to digital content creation, marketing, and growth? Let me introduce you to a powerful yet simple tool and platform: My goal is to show you how to master this tool and platform with joy. Therefore, I called it Substack Master, also the name of my community on this platform.
Imagine stepping into the world of online writing, overwhelmed by competition and noise, unsure how to stand out. This book is your guide, helping you navigate these challenges with clarity and confidence. Drawing on over 42 years of experience in content strategy, marketing, and technology, I've spent the last five years deeply involved in Substack's ecosystem, and now I'm sharing everything I've learned.
This book is more than theory-it's a practical, honest guide filled with lessons from my journey to growing a Substack to 28,000+ subscribers and earning endorsements from 491 fellow writers. Whether you're a freelance writer or content entrepreneur, you'll find actionable strategies to help you discover your unique voice, grow your audience, and build a sustainable income stream from your newsletters.
You'll learn how to:

Stand out with content that deeply resonates with your readers.

Attract and retain subscribers using proven strategies.

Turn your newsletter into a reliable source of income.

Overcome common obstacles based on my hard lessons.

Create a thriving content ecosystem that supports long-term growth.

Most importantly, I authored this book in simple, relatable language, designed to give you practical tips you can use right away. There are no flashy promises-just real-world guidance grounded in years of hands-on experience and perspiration.
By the end of this book, you'll feel confident in your ability to grow your audience, build a thriving newsletter and a community around it, and make an impact in the content world. Plus, you'll gain access to my supportive community, ready to help you on your journey.
Let's dive in and create something extraordinary together.

Mehmet Yildiz 作者作品表

Substack Mastery (Paperback)

Pseudo-Retranslation (2024) (Hardcover)

eBook: Pseudo-retranslation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Pseudo-retranslation (DRM EPUB)

Krieg und Frieden: welche Rolle spielt Hamburg? (Paperback)

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