Gnome Homes Hidden Pictures Puffy Sticker Playscenes (Paperback)
作者: Highlights 
分類: Interactive & activity books & packs ,
Interest age: from c 3 years  
書城編號: 28989146

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Highlights Pr
出版日期: 2025/01/21 (快將出版)
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9781639622870

This 48-page book is packed with puzzles featuring all kinds of gnomes, dragons, and other fantastical creatures, plus 50+ puffy stickers. It's perfect for the fantasy-loving, sticker-obsessed kid!

With 175+ hidden objects to find and dozens of pages to deck out with stickers, kids ages 3─6 will build their attention to detail and perseverance while showing off their creativity.

Welcome to a world of adorable gnomes and cozy cottages! Gnome Homes delivers whimsical Hidden Pictures puzzles, matching games, mazes, and drawing activities. Want to glam up a gnome cottage? Use the puffy stickers! Filled with activities that allow kids to stretch their brainpower and imagination, this engrossing, mess-free book provides hours of entertainment, wherever you go. Take it in the car, to restaurants, to waiting rooms, and beyond!

Families love Highlights puzzle and activity books because they help develop problem-solving skills, confidence, and creativity, all while being super engaging. They are crafted by childhood experts to bring curious kids meaningful benefits and maximum fun.

Highlights 作者作品表

First 101 Words: Hidden Pictures Lift-The-Flap Board Book, Learn Animals, Food, Shapes, Colors and Numbers, Interactive First Words Boo (Board Books)

Brainplay Top Secret Spy Puzzles and Codes: Secret Codes and Puzzles with Invisible UV Light Pen and Red-Reveal Glasses (Hardcover)

The Ultimate Science Cookbook for Kids: 75+ Edible Experiments (Hardcover)

Color-In Stickers and Puzzles! Adorable Animals (Paperback)

Gnome Homes Hidden Pictures Puffy Sticker Playscenes (Paperback)

My First Hidden Pictures Fairy Bugs Deluxe (Paperback)

Scratch-And-Play Easter Hidden Pictures (Paperback)

Cute Cat and Dog Puzzles (Paperback)

Mermaid Hidden Pictures Puffy Sticker Playscenes (Paperback)

The Mega Book of Super Cute Hidden Pictures Puzzles (Paperback)

Countdown to Christmas (Paperback)

Cut, Paste, and Create Christmas (Paperback)

Baby's First Hidden Pictures (Board Books)

Baby's First Puzzle Books (Hardcover)

Rainbow Neon Hidden Pictures (Hardcover)

Funny Food Puzzles (Paperback)

Magical Woodland Hidden Pictures Deluxe (Paperback)

Brainplay Funniest Puzzles Ever (Paperback)

Brainplay Trickiest Puzzles Ever (Paperback)

Brainplay Halloween Puzzles (Paperback)

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