Never Touch an Axolotl! (Paperback)
作者: Cara Jenkins 
書城編號: 28992143

原價: HK$110.00
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出版社: Make Believe Ideas Inc
出版日期: 2025/01/01 (快將出版)
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781805444596

Find out why you must never touch an axolotl in this aquatic addition to our bestselling Never Touch series.Meet the little river creatures and enjoy imitating their playful actions and sounds. Join the fun in this hilarious book with cute characters, amusing rhymes, and bumpy silicone touches to discover . . . if you dare!
Cara Jenkins 作者作品表

Strawberry Milk (Paperback)

How to Become A . . . Worry Monster (Paperback)

Never Touch an Axolotl! (Paperback)

Snackettes Missy Purrger (Novelty book)

Snackettes Missy Purrger (Paperback)

Little Bat What Can You See? (Hardcover)

Little Reindeer What Can You See? (Board Books)

Never Touch a Pop-up Dragon (Fold-out book or chart)

Never Touch a Pop-Up Unicorn! (Board Books)

My Fuzzy Feelings (Board book)

Little Bat What Can You See? (Board Books)

My Fuzzy Feelings (Board Books)

Yummy Cupcake (Paperback)

Yummy Cupcake (Board Books)

Squish and Snugg Happy Cow (Paperback)

Little Lamb What Can You See? (Board Books)

Sensory Snuggables Unicorn Puppet Soft Book (Paperback)

10 Funny Fish (Board Books)

Sparkle the Snowman (Hardcover)

Sparkle the Snowman (Board Books)

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