Book Lover's Embroidered Journal (Hardcover)
作者: Insight Editions 
分類: The arts: general issues ,
Anthologies (non-poetry)  
書城編號: 28995264

原價: HK$250.00
現售: HK$237.5 節省: HK$12.5

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

製造商: Insight Editions
出版日期: 2025/02/11 (快將出版)
頁數: 192
尺寸: 210 x 146 x 25 mm
重量: 331 grams
ISBN: 9798886638646

Capture your thoughts, ideas, or notes about the books you’re reading in this beautifully embroidered journal designed for the book lover.
Insight Editions 作者作品表

Roll Play: Fight or Fright

Wicked: Elphaba / Glinda Reversible Sculpted Journal (Hardcover)

Wicked: Wizard's Balloon Sculpted Journal (Hardcover)

Wicked: Emerald City Sculpted Journal (Hardcover)

Wicked: Oz Cog Sculpted Journal (Hardcover)

Gilmore Girls: Greetings from Stars Hollow: An Official Postcard Coloring Book (Paperback)

Harry Potter: An Official Sweets and Treats Coloring Book (Paperback)

Sid Meier's Civilization VII: The Official Journal (Hardcover)

Minecraft: TNT Block Sticky Note Cube (Paperback)

Minecraft: Grass Block Sticky Note Cube (Paperback)

Minecraft: Hostile Mobs Spiral Notebook (Spiral)

Fungi Memory Journal: Reflect, Record, Remember (Hardcover)

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Memory Journal: Reflect, Record, Remember (Hardcover)

The Lord of the Rings Memory Journal: Reflect, Record, Remember (Hardcover)

The Princess Bride Tarot Deck and Guidebook

Back to the Future Tarot Deck and Guidebook

Wicked: Shiz University Softcover Notebook (Paperback)

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Spiral Notebook (Spiral)

Fallout: The Official Hardcover Journal of Vault 33 (Hardcover)

Book Lover's Embroidered Journal (Hardcover)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

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