Nhorido: Muunganidzwa weNhetembo (Paperback)
作者: Siphosami Ndlovu 
書城編號: 28996049

售價: $210.00

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出版社: African Books Collective
出版日期: 2024/05/27
重量: 0.17 kg
ISBN: 9781779338488


For an audience to agree that indeed here is a masterpiece of a story, it would have been narrated by an engaging orator who satisfies the ear. A story can be told by various storytellers but it is the way in which it is told that merits it as a story worthy to be told. If a story is told with exceptional oratory, it gains the classic story tag. The storyteller in turn comes to be recognised as a classic storyteller. It takes a classic storyteller to tell a classic story. Here, we present to you *Nhorido* a collection of classic *Shona poetry anthology* from a countrywide selection of classic stories submitted by Zimbabwean classic storytellers.

The art of storytelling differs with age and wisdom. Young storytellers have come together with seasoned storytellers to tell us deep stories which pierce our hearts like sharp needles *in the form of poetry.* Each storyteller delved into the deep archives of the heart, unreachable to the general public and brought out the genie to the forecourt. Rarely seen pathways were exposed taking us to the forecourt where various themes are laid bare for all to see. Themes on life gone by, life now and life in the future all presented.

This shows that our country is richly endowed with gifted storytellers and our great culture prevails.Reading this book evokes memories of a life gone by while awakening the reader's inert knowledge of phenomena. It also helps students of research and those who read for pleasure will find it palatable. Reading the poems is akin to grandchildren who sit captivated to listen to grandmother's folktales. Grandmother chants, "Stories, stories, stories!" And so chants back the young ones, "Let the stories begin!

Kuti panzi pane nyaya hunge paine mutsetsenuri wenyaya yacho zvinogutsa neva. Nyaya imwechete inogona kutaurwa nevanhu vakasiyanasiyana, asi mutaurirwo wayo ndiwo unoita kuti kunzi inyaya svinu. Nyaya ikarondedzerwa zvamandorokwati inonzi Nhorido. Murondedzeri achinzi Nhorido. Naizvozvo zvinoda Nhorido kuti ipe nhorido. Muunganidzwa webhuku rino wakaumbwa neutesve hwenhorido kubva kuNhorido dzakasarudzwa kumativi akasiyana- siyana enyika yeZimbabwe. Kutaura nyaya uye matauriro anosiyana nokuda kwamazera nenjere dzavatauri. Naizvozvo tinoona vanagoremucheche vachitsigirana nemhare, nhorido dzine utsome kubva mupfungwa dzavo dzakapinza setsono. Mumwe nomumwe akadzumbunura kubva muhwasvivi hwamatandadziva emoyo umo musingagoni kusvikwa novoruzhinji. Matingindira mazhinji akanzi pachena ware nomutowo usina kujairika, achibata zvoupenyu hwakararamwa zuro, hwatiri kurarama nhasi nehwatichararamazve pane ramangwana. Izvi zvinotaridza kuti nyika yedu yakapfuna nezvipo zvenhorido uye tsika dzichiri kuenderera mberi. Kuverenga bhuku rino kunorangaridza uye kubengenutsa zivo iri muna nyakuverenga. Rinobatsira vana vechikoro vanoita tsvakurudzo uye vanoverengera kutandara. Kuverenga Nhorido hakuna kusiyana nechizukuru chinenge chichitapirirwa nengano dzambuya chichingoti zvacho, Dzepfunde!

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