How the Whale Got His Throat (Paperback)
作者: Anna Milbourne 
書城編號: 28996118

原價: HK$60.00
現售: HK$57 節省: HK$3

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出版社: Usborne Books
出版日期: 2025/03/04 (快將出版)
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781835405567

Long ago, whales could eat anything - and they did. Then one day, everything changed. This story, adapted from one of Rudyard Kipling's 'Just So Stories' has been specially written for children who are learning to read, with colorful illustrations on each page and puzzles and fun facts about whales at the back of the book.
Anna Milbourne 作者作品表

Daddies Love Hugs (Board book)

How the Whale Got His Throat (Paperback)

Pop-Up Nature (Board Books)

There There Little Puppy (Board Books)

There There Little Bear (Board Books)

Peek Inside Springtime (Board Books)

I'm Not (Very) Afraid of the Dark (Hardcover)

Peek Inside Snowy Places (Board Books)

Horses and Ponies (Paperback)

How the Camel Got His Hump (Paperback)

There There Little Puppy (Board book)

How the Elephant Got His Trunk (Paperback)

Pop-Up Animals (Board Books)

There There Little Bear (Board book)

I'm (Almost) Never Bored (Hardcover)

Peek Inside the Farm (Board Books)

Peek Inside the Sea (Board Books)

Peek Inside Space (Board Books)

I'm Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy (Hardcover)

Peek Inside Animal Homes (Board Books)

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