Building Trust, Situating Repair: An Ecology of Action in a South African Nature Reserve (Paperback)
作者: James Merron 
書城編號: 28996442

售價: $368.00

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出版社: Basler Afrika Bibliographien
出版日期: 2024/03/19
重量: 0.21 kg
ISBN: 9783906927527
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Nature conservation is often framed as an ecological problem in need of repair. With both material and discursive dimensions, repairing things involves repairing people's orientation to those things. As such, nature conservation can be understood as a negotiation between different orientations to ecological problems.

This publication seeks to understand the negotiation through trust, the analysis of which situates repair in a particular setting. Empirically, the book is structured around an encounter that unfolded over the course of a single day between white commercial farmers and experts belonging to various government departments, universities and an NGO working in a South African nature reserve. By moving through the situation se-quence-by-sequence the author captures the relationship between trust and repair vis-

James Merron 作者作品表

eBook: Building Trust, Situating Repair: An Ecology of Action in a South African Nature Reserve (DRM PDF)

Building Trust, Situating Repair: An Ecology of Action in a South African Nature Reserve (Paperback)

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