Leading Winning Teams: How Teamwork, Motivation, and Strategy Achieve Big League Success (Compact Disc)
作者: Trent M. Clark 
書城編號: 29004145

原價: HK$460.00
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出版社: Ascent Audio
出版日期: 2024/11/12
ISBN: 9798228297395

In Leading Winning Teams, the CEO of the famed coaching organization Leadershipity, Trent Clark, translates the lessons he learned on the way to becoming a three-time World Series coach in three Major League Baseball Organizations to life outside of the elite sporting arena. In the book, you'll find insights and stories from over twenty high-profile athletes and coaches who explain what it takes to succeed both on and off the field. You'll be inspired as you discover the challenges and setbacks these all-time greats and dynamic leaders had to overcome to realize their dreams and how you can apply the same strategies they used to build the future--and the team--you've always wanted. Explore the common thread that connects people from across the athletic world and find out how they consistently performed at the peak of their respective disciplines. Also discover: how to build a team of 1%'ers, people who regularly out-perform 99% of their peers; actionable strategies to improve your leadership, motivation, and teamwork, as well as those same skills in the people who follow you; techniques to create high-quality teams and organizations; the learning and adaptation to apply new information, stay agile in dynamic environments, and navigate changing market conditions; and how to pursue goals with unwavering determination, contributing to a culture of achievement and success.
Trent M. Clark 作者作品表

Leading Winning Teams: How Teamwork, Motivation, and Strategy Achieve Big League Success (Compact Disc)

eBook: Leading Winning Teams: How Teamwork, Motivation, and Strategy Achieve Big League Success (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Leading Winning Teams: How Teamwork, Motivation, and Strategy Achieve Big League Success (DRM PDF)

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