The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Punishment (Hardcover)
作者: Jesper Ryberg 
系列: Oxford Handbooks
分類: Social research & statistics ,
Crime & criminology ,
Criminology: legal aspects  
書城編號: 29006409

售價: $1960.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Oxford University Press Inc
出版日期: 2024/12/25 (快將出版)
頁數: 744
尺寸: 248 x 171 mm
ISBN: 9780197750506

The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Punishment is the most comprehensive collective work that has yet been published on the philosophical aspects of punishment. It is divided into ten sections covering all the main philosophical challenges arising from the questions of why, when, and how offenders should be punished for their misdeeds. The book provides insight into and discussions of all the leading theories of the justification of punishment (retributivism, consequentialism, pluralistic theory, communicative theory, self-defence theory, right forfeiture theory, restitutionism, restorative justice, and abolitionism). It goes on to present considerations of what types of punishment can legitimately be imposed on offenders (capital punishment, incarceration, corporal punishment, probation, electronic monitoring, and cruel and unusual punishment) and of how the severity of punishments should be determined.

Next, it explores the many factors that should be considered at sentencing (responsibility and defences, mens rea, criminal record, guilty pleas, remorse, and mercy). The book also covers discussions of punishment of special groups of offenders (young and very old offenders, female offenders, socially deprived offenders, multiple offenders, dangerous offenders, and war criminals) and broader societal aspects of punishment (e.g. social inequality, discrimination, and public opinion). A section on medical and technological aspects of punishment deals with controversial issues such as the use of neurointerventions, artificial intelligence, and the role of physicians. The handbook curates authoritative chapters written by the field's leading scholars to offer answers to questions of how punishment can be justified, what types of punishment can legitimately be imposed on offenders, and the severity of punishment should be determined.

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Jesper Ryberg 作者作品表

The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Punishment (Hardcover)

eBook: Neurointerventions, Crime, and Punishment: Ethical Considerations (DRM PDF)

eBook: Neurointerventions, Crime, and Punishment: Ethical Considerations (DRM EPUB)

Popular Punishment: On the Normative Significance of Public Opinion (Hardcover)

New Waves in Applied Ethics (Paperback)

eBook: Ethics of Proportionate Punishment: A Critical Investigation (DRM PDF)

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