Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation (Paperback)
作者: John Goldingay 
書城編號: 29007971

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Wipf & Stock Publ
出版日期: 2024/10/18
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9798385231805

In this book, John Goldingay examines five approaches to the interpretation of the Old Testament: as a faith, a way of life, the story of salvation, witness to Christ, and Scripture. Dr. Goldingay has a detailed knowledge of an enormous range of scholarly literature. His carefully considered evaluations of the works of other scholars are a helpful guide to the key issues which often tend to be submerged by the intricacies of scholarly debate. This edition is enlarged and updated by Postscript, which takes not of ongoing discussions in the field of Old Testament studies in the decade following the first edition. It sketches three major new developments in Old Testament interpretation: sociological analysis, literary study (especially of the narrative form) and canonical criticism.
John Goldingay 作者作品表

Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation (Hardcover)

Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation (Paperback)

Every Day for Everyone: 365 Devotions from Genesis to Revelation (Hardcover)

Songs from a Strange Land: Psalms 42-51 (Paperback)

Remembering Ann (Paperback)

Models for Scripture (Paperback)

Models for Interpretation of Scripture (Paperback)

Songs from a Strange Land: Psalms 42-51 (Hardcover)

Models for Interpretation of Scripture (Hardcover)

Models for Scripture (Hardcover)

God's Prophet, God's Servant: A Study in Jeremiah and Isaiah 40-55 (Hardcover)

The Theology of the Book of Samuel (Hardcover)

eBook: Theology of the Book of Samuel (DRM EPUB)

The Theology of the Book of Samuel (Paperback)

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Joshua (Hardcover)

eBook: Miracle in Isaiah: Divine Marvel and Prophetic World (DRM PDF)

eBook: Miracle in Isaiah: Divine Marvel and Prophetic World (DRM EPUB)

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