Haru Book 3: Fall (Hardcover)
作者: Joe Latham 
書城編號: 29009177

原價: HK$230.00
現售: HK$218.5 節省: HK$11.5

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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2025/08/26 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781524897673

Read the epic conclusion and discover the secrets of the Valley in Haru Book 3: Fall.

Haru, Yama, and the rest of the gang return one last time for the conclusion of their exciting adventure. Discover what became of Haru after the events of Book 2, and cheer on as they face off against Blight. Secrets will be revealed (what was Haru and Goose's mother hiding?) and wills will be tested (will Herb believe in himself enough to help his friends) but together, nothing can stop this crew! With his stunningly beautiful and Tolkeinesque illustrations, author and artist Joe Latham delivers the perfect finale of his magical tale, in Haru Book 3: Fall.

Joe Latham 作者作品表

Haru Book 3: Fall (Paperback)

Haru Book 3: Fall (Hardcover)

Haru Book 2: Summer (Hardcover)

Haru: Book 1: Spring (Paperback)

Haru: Spring Volume 1 (Hardcover)

eBook: Haru: Book 1: Spring (DRM PDF)

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