The Lover of Things (Hardcover)
作者: Radclyffe Hall 
系列: Zephyr Books
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Classic fiction (pre c 1945) ,
Fiction: special features  
書城編號: 29013162

售價: $160.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Michael Walmer
出版日期: 2024/10/25
頁數: 80
尺寸: 216 x 140 mm
ISBN: 9780645751970


Henry Dobbs is born into ugliness and squalor in the Kensington slums in London. He is a strange boy in many ways; he cares a great deal for well-made and rare things and the beauty that he sees in them, but people are a different matter. They seem relatively unimportant to him, really only there for his convenience.

As he grows up, despite a savage and loveless relationship with his harridan mother, Henry begins to flower. His one-eyed attention to lovely things is translated slowly into knowledge, which eventually earns him a job with Riley's, an up and coming firm of removalists. As his career blossoms, he reaches the position of foreman of what the company hopes will be the finest team in the land, the one to get them the best contracts.

One day it seems as if their hopes have been fulfilled. Sir Isaac Epstein hires Riley's to transport his priceless collection to his new home in the country. Henry comes face to face with items he has dreamed about, and which bring out in him a strange new sense. Is it that he wants to protect them? Or is it something more mixed and concerning that secretly comes out in his beauty-loving soul? The extraordinary effect of the beautiful pieces of the Epstein collection precipitates an action that will change Henry's life...

The Lover of Things was first published in 1934. Radclyffe Hall's insightful and careful delineation of a character who would now be seen as neurodiverse (on the autism spectrum) was way ahead of its time, and confirmed her reputation for exploring challenging and less usual territory.

Zephyr Books

The Mountains of the Moon: A Lunar Love-Story (Hardcover)

The Lover of Things (Hardcover)

Radclyffe Hall 作者作品表

The Lover of Things (Hardcover)

The Well of Loneliness (Paperback)

The Well of Loneliness (Paperback)

The Well of Loneliness (Hardcover)

eBook: Well Of Loneliness (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Well of Loneliness (DRM EPUB)

The Well of Loneliness (Paperback)

eBook: Well of Loneliness (DRM EPUB)

The Well of Loneliness (Paperback)

eBook: Well of Loneliness: New Large Print Edition (DRM EPUB)

The Well of Loneliness: New Large Print Edition ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

eBook: Well of Loneliness (DRM EPUB)

'Twixt Earth and Stars; Poems (Paperback)

'Twixt Earth and Stars; Poems (Hardcover)

Songs of Three Counties, and Other Poems (Paperback)

Songs of Three Counties, and Other Poems (Hardcover)

The Well of Loneliness (Hardcover)

The Well of Loneliness (Paperback)

The Well of Loneliness (Paperback)

The Well of Loneliness (Hardcover)

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