Clarice Bean Spells Trouble (Paperback)
作者: Lauren Child 
書城編號: 29024212

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2025/02/04 (快將出版)
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9780763659431

The quirky Clarice Bean is in for a spell of trouble--and shares a lesson about kindness--in this hilarious follow-up to Utterly Me, Clarice Bean.

Clarice Bean seems to be in nonstop trouble these days, almost as much as Karl Wrenbury, who is the naughtiest boy at school. If only she could be more like her favorite book character, Ruby Redfort, girl detective, who is very good at getting out of trouble. The problem is, Mrs. Wilberton is planning a spelling bee, and just thinking about it gives Clarice a stomachache. The good news is that there is also going to be a class performance of The Sound of Music, and Clarice is exceptionordinarily keen on landing a starring role, so she can get discovered by someone who spots child talents and escape spelling-bee humiliation. But when Karl Wrenbury has a family problem and gets into really big trouble, Clarice does something utterly unexpected, altruistically proving Ruby Redfort's maxim "Never let a good pal down."

The superbly talented Lauren Child's second fast-paced, full-length Clarice Bean adventure is full of wacky wit, visual appeal, and a surprisingly heartwarming twist sure to reel in the most reluctant reader--and the most inventive speller.

Lauren Child 作者作品表


The Goody (Paperback)

Smile (Paperback)

Clarice Bean, Smile (Hardcover)

Clarice Bean, Don't Look Now (Paperback)

Clarice Bean, Scram!: The Story of How We Got Our Dog (Paperback)

Clarice Bean, Utterly Me (Paperback)

Clarice Bean Spells Trouble (Paperback)

eBook: Smile (mp3 zips)

eBook: Smile (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Smile (mp3 zips)

Smile (Hardcover)

Smile (Paperback)

Think Like an Elf (Paperback)

Scram! (Paperback)

Clarice Bean, Scram!: The Story of How We Got Our Dog (Hardcover)

eBook: TINY FEET: A Treasury for Parents (DRM EPUB)

Clarice Bean, Think Like an Elf (Hardcover)

Scram! (Hardcover)

eBook: Scram! (Clarice Bean) (mp3 zips)

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