Fools for Christ: Essays on the True, the Good, and the Beautiful (Classic Reprint) (Paperback)
作者: Jaroslav Pelikan 
分類: Christianity  
書城編號: 29039478

售價: $154.00

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出版社: Forgotten Books
出版日期: 2018/11/28
頁數: 184
尺寸: 229 x 152 x 10 mm
重量: 507 grams
ISBN: 9780259511755

Jaroslav Pelikan 作者作品表

Fools for Christ: Essays on the True, the Good, and the Beautiful (Classic Reprint) (Paperback)

Luther the Expositor (Hardcover)

Imago Dei (Paperback)

Whose Bible Is It?: A History of the Scriptures through the Ages (Paperback)

eBook: Whose Bible Is It? (DRM EPUB)

Whose Bible Is It? (B-Trade Pbk)

Divine Rhetoric (Paperback)

Jesus Through the Centuries (Paperback)

Eternal Feminines (Hardcover)

Eternal Feminines (Paperback)

Finality of Jesus Christ (Paperback)

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