Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China: The Huizhou Hyper-stability Structure (Multiple-component retail product)
作者: Tang Lixing 
系列: China Perspectives
分類: Regional studies ,
Asian history ,
書城編號: 29048167

售價: $3780.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis Ltd
出版日期: 2025/03/21 (快將出版)
頁數: 570
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9781032950129

Focusing on social structure and local governance in Huizhou, China, this two-volume set examines the persistence of the patriarchal system, the maintenance of social stability, and the functioning of interregional networks in pre-modern China.
China Perspectives

Singapore Mandarin Grammar (Multiple-component retail product)

Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China: The Huizhou Hyper-stability Structure (Multiple-component retail product)

Preventing Dispute Risk and Constructing Harmonious Society (Multiple-component retail product)

Dispute and Risk Preventing in Modern China (Hardcover)

Dispute and Resolution Mechanism in Modern China (Hardcover)

Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China II: The External Dynamics of the Huizhou Hyper-stability Structure (Hardcover)

Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China I: The Internal Dynamics of the Huizhou Hyper-stability Structure (Hardcover)

Perceiving Plato's Concern (Hardcover)

State Governance and Public Finance Theory: A Chinese Perspective (Hardcover)

Economic Development in Modern China Since 1949 (Paperback)

The “Socialist Transformation” of Memory: Reversing Chinese History through “Pernicious-Vestiges” Media Discourse (Paperback)

Singapore Mandarin Grammar II (Paperback)

Interaction and Knowledge Construction in Online English Teaching: A Learning Analytics Perspective (Paperback)

China's Social Credit: Theoretical, Empirical Research, and Countermeasures (Paperback)

The Magic Cube of Ancient Chinese Poetry: A Linguistic Perspective (Paperback)

New Media Users in China II: A Mediatization Perspective (Paperback)

New Media Users in China I: A Nodes Perspective (Paperback)

A Study of Vladimir Nabokov’s Cosmopolitan Literary Thoughts (Hardcover)

A Critical History of Contemporary Chinese Fiction (Hardcover)

Economic Development in Modern China (Multiple-component retail product)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Tang Lixing 作者作品表

Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China: The Huizhou Hyper-stability Structure (Multiple-component retail product)

Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China I: The Internal Dynamics of the Huizhou Hyper-stability Structure (Hardcover)

Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China II: The External Dynamics of the Huizhou Hyper-stability Structure (Hardcover)

eBook: Merchants and Society in Modern China: From Guild to Chamber of Commerce (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Merchants and Society in Modern China: From Guild to Chamber of Commerce (DRM PDF)

eBook: Merchants and Society in Modern China: Rise of Merchant Groups (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Merchants and Society in Modern China: Rise of Merchant Groups (DRM PDF)

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