A Lion to Guard Us (paperback)
作者: Clyde Robert Bulla 
書城編號: 290555

原價: HK$98.00
現售: HK$93.1 節省: HK$4.9

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出版社: HarperTrophy
出版日期: 2018/10/23
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9780064403337
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The inspiring classic that The New Yorker called "an exciting tale [with] top-notch writing," about one girl facing harsh conditions and huge responsibility as she brings her family to the American colonies.

Featuring a heroine with faith, courage, and a great deal of grit, this acclaimed historical fiction novel portrays the realities faced by three children hoping to find a new home in an unknown land.

Amanda Freebold doesn't know what to do. Her father left three years ago for the new colony of Jamestown in America, thousands of miles away. But now that her mother has died, Amanda is left to take care of her younger brother and sister all alone back in England.

As the new head of the family, Amanda finally decides to take her brother and sister to America to find Father. The ocean crossing is long and hard, and the children don't know whom to trust. But with her father's little brass lion's head to guard them, Amanda knows that somehow everything will work out.

Clyde Robert Bulla 作者作品表

Stories of Favorite Operas (Hardcover)

Stories of Favorite Operas (Paperback)

The Sword in the Tree (Compact Disc)

The Sword in the Tree (MP3 CD)

The Ring And The Fire (Hardcover)

A Lion to Guard Us (MP3 CD)

A Lion to Guard Us (Compact Disc)

A Lion to Guard Us (paperback)

eBook: Secret Valley (DRM EPUB)

A Tree Is a Plant (hardcover)

Shoeshine Girl (paperback)

The Sword in the Tree (Harper Trophy) (paperback)

The Paint Brush Kid (paperback)

Last Look (B-Juv Digest)

The Poppy Seeds (B-Juv Digest)

Eagle Feather (B-Juv Digest)

What Makes a Shadow? (Revised) (hardcover)

Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims (paperback)

Shoeshine Girl (paperback)

Pocahontas and the Strangers (paperback)

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