Introduction to Global Studies (3 ed) (Paperback)
作者: John McCormick 
分類: Globalization ,
Political science & theory  
書城編號: 29059059

售價: $476.00

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出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 2025/03/06 (快將出版)
頁數: 528
ISBN: 9781350443013


Building on the strengths of the previous edition, this well-established textbook gives students a broad and inclusive overview of the important issues and events of our rapidly changing world. Delving into key debates and topics in global studies, ranging from migration and trade to the global climate emergency and health and disease, this new edition covers the latest developments in global issues, supporting students with an intriguing review of the world as it is today.

With popular learning features such as comparisons of the Global and Local and the Global North and South, as well as Contemporary Debates boxes, this text equips students with relevant examples and wide-ranging perspectives for addressing central themes in global studies.

Ideal for students on introductory global studies and globalization courses, this third edition offers:
-A brand new chapter on food and agriculture
-Chapters have been expanded to allow for more case studies and increased coverage of the themes of globalization, inequality and development
-Figures and tables updated with the most recent data and new details on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
-A comprehensive companion website, offering an array of resources for both students and lecturers, including a testbank, illustrated lecturer slides, interactive quizzes, and an online media library

John McCormick 作者作品表

Introduction to Global Studies (3 ed) (Paperback)

Introduction to Global Studies (3 ed) (Hardcover)

International Organizations (Hardcover)

International Organizations (Paperback)

Chinese in Napa Valley: The Forgotten Community That Built Wine Country (Paperback)

The Vegan Desserts: Genius Recipes That Will Forever Change Your Baking Style (Paperback)

A Ballad of Beliefs: The Complete Trilogy (Paperback)

eBook: Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction (DRM PDF)

European Union Politics (Paperback)

eBook: European Union Politics (DRM PDF)

Comparative Government and Politics (Paperback)

Cases in Comparative Government and Politics (Paperback)

eBook: Cases in Comparative Government and Politics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cases in Comparative Government and Politics (DRM EPUB)

Introduction to Global Studies (Paperback)

eBook: Seagoing: Essay-memoirs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Seagoing: Essay-memoirs (DRM PDF)

Contemporary Britain (Paperback)

eBook: Fiction as Knowledge: Modern Post-romantic Novel (DRM EPUB)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

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