When We Were Arabs: A Jewish Family's Forgotten History (Paperback)
作者: Massoud Hayoun 
分類: Memoirs ,
Middle Eastern history  
書城編號: 29063106

原價: HK$196.00
現售: HK$186.2 節省: HK$9.8

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出版社: The New Press
出版日期: 2025/06/05 (快將出版)
頁數: 304
尺寸: 215 x 139 x 19 mm
ISBN: 9781620979525

The stunning debut of a brilliant nonfiction writer whose vivid account of his grandparents' lives in Egypt, Tunisia, Palestine, and Los Angeles reclaims his family's Jewish Arab identity

Winner of the 2020 Arab American Book Award for nonfiction and one of NPR's best books of 2019, When We Were Arabs is a gorgeous family memoir and "a powerful exploration of Arab Jewish identity" (The New Arab) that brings the world of Jewish Arab writer and artist Massoud Hayoun's parents and grandparents alive, vividly shattering our contemporary understanding of what makes an Arab and what makes a Jew.

There was a time when being an "Arab" didn't mean you were necessarily Muslim. It was a time when Oscar Hayoun, a Jewish Arab, strode along the Nile in a fashionable suit, and Arabness was a mark of cosmopolitanism, of intellectualism. That was before he and his father arrived at the port of Haifa to join the Zionist state only to find themselves hosed down with DDT and left unemployed on the margins of society.

In this moving book, Oscar's son, Massoud, raised in Los Angeles, finds his own voice by telling his family's story. Named one of the most inspiring Arab writers of 2020, Hayoun seeks to reclaim a worldly, nuanced Arab identity as part of the larger project to recall a time before ethnic identity was mangled for political ends. "An intriguing read for anyone interested in furthering their understanding of complex identities and mixed cultural heritage" (Jewish News), When We Were Arabs is also a journey deep into a lost age of sophisticated innocence in the Arab world, an age that is now nearly lost.

Massoud Hayoun 作者作品表

When We Were Arabs: A Jewish Family's Forgotten History (Paperback)

eBook: Last Night in Brighton (DRM EPUB)

Building 46 (Paperback)

eBook: Building 46 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: When We Were Arabs: A Jewish Family's Forgotten History (DRM EPUB)

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