Psalms (Paperback)
作者: David G Firth 
系列: Apollos Old Testament Commentary
分類: Christianity ,
Old Testaments ,
Biblical studies & exegesis ,
Christian life & practice ,
Christian institutions & organizations ,
Sacred texts  
書城編號: 29064555

原價: HK$560.00
現售: HK$532 節省: HK$28

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出版社: Inter-Varsity Press
出版日期: 2025/06/20 (快將出版)
頁數: 704
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9781789744859


The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people, whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical language and society is essential if the meaning of the human writer is to be grasped fully.

The Apollos Old Testament Commentary aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner accessible to non-experts and shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers.

This commentary begins with an introduction, which gives an overview of the issues of date, authorship, sources and so on, but which also outlines more fully than usual the theology of the Psalms and provides pointers toward its interpretation and contemporary application.

The annotated translation of the Hebrew text by the author forms the basis for the subsequent commentary. The form and structure section examines the context of a passage, its use of rhetorical devices, and source and form-critical issues. The comment section is a thorough, detailed exegesis of the historical and theological meaning of the passage. The explanation - the goal of the commentary - offers a full exposition of the theological message within the framework of biblical theology, and a commitment to the inspiration and authority of the Old Testament.

Apollos Old Testament Commentary

Psalms (Paperback)

Numbers 20-36 (Hardcover)

eBook: Numbers 1-19 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Obadiah, Jonah and Micah (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Proverbs (DRM EPUB)

Ruth (Hardcover)

Leviticus: An Introduction And Commentary (Hardcover)

Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi (Hardcover)

Daniel: An Introduction And Commentary (Hardcover)

1 & 2 Kings: An Introduction And Survey (Hardcover)

David G Firth 作者作品表

Psalms (Paperback)

eBook: Divine Council, Ethics, and Resistance in Psalm 82 (DRM PDF)

The Message of Esther: God Present But Unseen (Paperback)

The Message of Joshua: Promise And People (Paperback)

eBook: Message of Joshua: Promise And People (DRM EPUB)

Including the Stranger: Foreigners In The Former Prophets (Paperback)

Exploring Old Testament Wisdom: Literature And Themes (Paperback)

Interpreting Deuteronomy

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