50 Plants that Changed the World (2 New edition) (Hardcover)
作者: Stephen Harris 
分類: The Earth: natural history general  
書城編號: 29066703

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Bodleian Library
出版日期: 2025/05/15 (快將出版)
頁數: 320
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9781851246526


The world as we know it would not exist without plants.

Have you ever stopped to think about how your morning cappuccino came to be? From the coffee bush that yielded the beans to the grass for the cattle, or perhaps the soya, that produced the milk, plants are an indispensable part of our everyday life.

Beginning with some of the earliest uses of plants, Stephen A. Harris takes us on an exciting journey through history, identifying fifty plants that have been key to the development of the Western world, while also discussing trade, imperialism, politics, medicine, travel, and chemistry along the way. There are plants here that have changed landscapes, fomented wars, and fueled slavery. Others have been the trigger for technological advances, expanded medical knowledge, or simply made our lives more pleasant. Plants have provided paper and ink, chemicals that could kill or cure, and vital sustenance and stimulants. Some, such as barley, have been staples from the earliest times; others, such as oil palm, are newcomers to Western industry.

We remain dependent on plants for our food, fuel, and medicines. As the wide-ranging and engaging stories in this beautifully illustrated book demonstrate, their effects on our lives continue to be profound and often unpredictable.

Stephen Harris 作者作品表

50 Plants that Changed the World (2 New edition) (Hardcover)

Buddhist Ethics and the Bodhisattva Path: Santideva on Virtue and Well-Being (Paperback)

Buddhist Ethics and the Bodhisattva Path: Santideva on Virtue and Well-Being (Hardcover)

Shooter Marble (Paperback)

The Language of Medicine (Paperback)

Inca Curse: Artic Computing's Adventure B (Paperback)

Planet of Death: Artic Computing's Adventure A (Paperback)

eBook: Early Times (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Where the Cotton Once Grew (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Black River (DRM EPUB)

The New Testament: A Student's Introduction (9 ed) (Hardcover)

eBook: Price of Brotherhood (DRM EPUB)

ISE The New Testament: A Student's Introduction (9 ed) (Paperback)

eBook: Traveling Through North Korea: Adventures in the Hermit Kingdom (DRM EPUB)

What Have Plants Ever Done for Us? (Hardcover)

Under a Bomber's Moon (Hardcover)

Planting Paradise (Hardcover)

eBook: Under a Bomber's Moon: The True Story of Two Airmen at War Over Germany (DRM EPUB)

Ballroom Bonanza: A Hidden Pictures ABC Book (Paperback)

Mammals of the British Isles: Handbook (4 ed) (Hardcover)

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