Dungeon Crawl Classics Dying Earth #11: Arch-Daihaks of Dying Earth (Paperback)
作者: Terry Olson 
分類: Adventure ,
Fantasy ,
Role-playing, war games & fantasy sports  
書城編號: 29067853

原價: HK$120.00
現售: HK$114 節省: HK$6

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出版社: Goodman Games
出版日期: 2024/10/29
ISBN: 9781961756465

Cabals of magicians vie for a powerful magical artifact known as "the God Husk" in this dimensions-spanning adventure set in Jack Vance's Dying Earth. Originally run as the 2023 Gen Con tournament, this adventure pits scheming wizards against one another. Will the PCs triumph or be lost among the bubbles of time and space?
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