The Wrath of the Woolington Wyrm: Miss Mary-Kate Martin's Guide to Monsters 1 Volume 1 (Paperback)
作者: Karen Foxlee 
書城編號: 29114536

原價: HK$130.00
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出版社: A & U Children
出版日期: 2022/05/31
ISBN: 9781760526627

Miss Mary-Kate Martin might be anxious, but she's not scared of monsters. Travelling the globe with her famous archaeologist mother, Mary-Kate helps solve legendary problems in this fun fantasy adventure suitable for fans of the Travelling Bookshop or the Magnolia Moon series.

There are those who hunt monsters to harm them and there are those who hunt monsters to help them. Which one are you?

Dressed in sparkly red shoes and carrying her strawberry-scented notebook, Mary-Kate is accompanying her archaeologist mother to the tranquil English countryside to investigate some interesting bones found in an old well. But once they arrive, they realize that the village of Woolington is not as peaceful as it seems. Mysterious noises, earth tremors and a terrifying legend have the locals frightened.

Could there be any truth in the myth of the beast who lives in the ancient well? And if so, why would it return? Mary-Kate might be anxious, but she is not afraid to get to the bottom of this monstrous mystery.

A delightful fantasy-adventure from the award-winning and bestselling author of Lenny's Book of Everything and Dragon Skin, with lively line illustrations by Freda Chiu.

'A deliciously thrilling mystery, full of heart, wisdom, wit and ingenuity.' Edwina Wyatt, award-winning author of The Secrets of Magnolia Moon

'Easily one of the most charming books for young readers I have come across ... A perfect balance of fun, fantasy, humor and innocence.' Katrina Nannestad, author of the Travelling Bookshop series

Karen Foxlee 作者作品表

The Trouble with the Two-Headed Hydra (Paperback)

The Bother with the Bonkillyknock Beast: Miss Mary-Kate Martin's Guide to Monsters 3 Volume 3 (Paperback)

The Wrath of the Woolington Wyrm (Paperback)

The Trouble with the Two-Headed Hydra: Miss Mary-Kate Martin's Guide to Monsters 2 Volume 2 (Paperback)

The Wrath of the Woolington Wyrm: Miss Mary-Kate Martin's Guide to Monsters 1 Volume 1 (Paperback)

eBook: Dragon Skin (DRM EPUB)

Dragon Skin (Paperback)

eBook: Lenny's Book of Everything (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Lenny's Book of Everything (DRM EPUB)

Lenny's Book of Everything (Paperback)

Most Magical Girl (Paperback)

Most Magical Girl (Hardcover)

eBook: Most Magical Girl (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Most Magical Girl (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Anatomy of Wings (DRM PDF)

eBook: Anatomy of Wings (DRM EPUB)

Ophelia & The Marvellous Boy (Hardcover)

Ophelia and the Marvellous Boy (Paperback)

eBook: Ophelia and The Marvellous Boy (DRM EPUB)

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