Sobriety has a wonderful way of bringing all things into the light if you're willing. Light! Such a simple and yet profound state of being.
Detox finally opened the door for sustained sobriety for actor Jason Umidi. On January 10, 2012, he began his sober journey. Gone are the mornings of regret and the feelings of shame no longer haunt him. Instead, gratitude for a life that's been redeemed and restored permeates his entire being. The truth as he was experiencing it reminds him that he can't keep what he doesn't give away. This life of service is a beautiful reflection of the grace that Jason received. His sobriety requires him to live in the moment, his faith asks him to love as he has been loved and his spirit says, "here am I send me".
Wherever you're at in your personal journey may you find the Hope that is only found in relationship with your higher power or God.
After being clean and sober for a couple of years Jason was looking to share his personal journey on Facebook in hopes that someone might be encouraged by his story. This developed into popular short blog posts about addiction, recovery, and hope, known as " Today's One Minute Reads." Jesus & Seltzer is Jason's curated collection of his One Minute Reads.