Otis the Kindergarten Cat is a heartwarming story that introduces children to the joys and adventures of kindergarten through the eyes of Otis, a charming black cat who resides in the school. Written by Greg Shaw and beautifully illustrated by Merryn Williams, Otis is not only a story but also a tool for parents and caregivers to prepare preschool-aged children for their big step into kindergarten.
Otis enjoys the quiet of the school on a Sunday afternoon, and as the week progresses, we follow his escapades in and around the classroom, from napping under a sunflower in the garden to joining in on snack time with milk and cookies. Each day brings new adventures, reflecting the daily rhythm of school life. Otis includes a section for parents and caregivers with helpful information on promoting early learning, emphasizing the importance of love, attention, and the joys of reading. It includes questions for children to encourage discussion about their own experiences and expectations of school.