Dirty Deeds (Paperback)
作者: Deborah Shlian 
書城編號: 29134690

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Steve Patrick
出版日期: 2025/02/14 (快將出版)
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9798991991612



Once her small progressive radio station in Los Angeles was sold to a more conservative company, outspoken radio talk show host Sammy Greene returned to New York City to join the liberal Radio USA national network located in Astoria Queens. For the past four years she has been living with Alex Matsas, archeologist now executive director of the Vandis Foundation. As fundraiser for the only Romaniote Jewish Temple in New York, Alex is, in Sammy's eyes becoming too fond of rubbing elbows with the city's elite while she has maintained her passion for fighting for justice wherever she finds it. Sammy's investigative partner, ex-cop Gus Pappajohn, is now a cyber-consultant living in Greece. Gus's daughter, Ana Pappajohn, has turned her life around and is studying to become a Nurse Practitioner. Ana comes to New York to intern at a public hospital in Jackson Heights, a Queens neighborhood with a diverse immigrant community.

After a Tibetan baby arrives in the ER showing symptoms of what Nurse Ana suspects is arsenic poisoning, the infant's mother is arrested for attempted murder. Determined to prove the mother's innocence, Ana launches her own investigation and turns to her father Gus and her friend Sammy for assistance. Together, the trio unravels a tangled web of corruption and criminal activity linked to two seemingly unrelated murders, and put their lives on the line to safeguard the residents of Jackson Heights.

Deborah Shlian 作者作品表

Dirty Deeds (Paperback)

eBook: Audiobooks in the Digital Age: Taking Control of the Publishing Process and Profits (DRM EPUB)

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