A Secret Road Travelled (Paperback)
作者: Victoria Brown 
書城編號: 29134989

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/01/01
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9780645872507


Elly Parker's life is a mess. Her relationship is in tatters and she's hiding a shocking secret - her mother's dying wish. When the opportunity arises to fulfil it, Elly buys a fancy sports car and hits the road.

Sue Beadle, her cousin and best friend, has more issues than a daily paper. The front page one being her lazy nineteen-year-old son Jake. When he lands his first job where Elly is going and asks for a lift, everyone cheers.

But Elly's not the only one with a secret, and a life-changing journey is about to unfold for Elly, Sue and Jake.

Set in Western Australia in the late nineties, A Secret Road Travelled has loads of romance, surprises and beautiful outback scenes.

Victoria Brown 作者作品表

The Death Ship: Recovering the Bodies of Titanic’s Dead (Hardcover)

The Secrets We Bear (Paperback)

A Secret Road Travelled (Paperback)

24 Hours with Lucas Jennings (Paperback)

eBook: Zemsta (DRM EPUB)

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