Shadowless (Paperback)
作者: Joyce 
書城編號: 29136372

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/09/06
重量: 0.49 kg
ISBN: 9781777907754

As a Beastblood-Emberstead halfie, Adrianne McCarthy is no stranger to criticism. Without being able to shift into her beast form, however, her personal shame bleeds on to her family. She's Shadowless, linked to the world of the dead.

In her final year of Guardian training, Adrianne is desperate to prove herself. Striving to exceed everyone's expectations, she agrees to help train a new advanced team on top of her Medic classes and gruelling clinical work. Despite her efforts, she is met with disrespect from the team and skepticism from her superiors, leaving her to wonder if her choice to be a Medic is really what she wants.

When a rebel uprising intersects with Adrianne's struggle to find her own way, she's faced with a choice between following social expectations or her intuition and is left more broken than ever. Reconciling with her true nature is the key to finding her place in the fight-unless it kills her first. Now, at the crossroad of who she's been and who she really is, Adrianne finds that her connection to death is a strength beyond her imagination.

Joyce 作者作品表

Shadowless (Paperback)

The Missing Peace (Hardcover)

eBook: It's Raining, Maple! (DRM EPUB)

It's Raining, Maple! (Paperback)

Moral Fictionalism and Religious Fictionalism (Hardcover)

eBook: Good Morning, Maple! (DRM EPUB)

Good Morning, Maple! (Paperback)

eBook: It's Springtime Maple (DRM EPUB)


It's Springtime Maple (Paperback)

eBook: King Maple (DRM EPUB)



Individual Quality of Life (Hardcover)

Strategic Management for the Public Services

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