Understanding the American South: Slavery, Race, Identity, and the American Century (Hardcover)
作者: Lacy K. Jr. Ford 
系列: Cambridge Studies on the American South
分類: History of the Americas ,
Social & cultural history ,
Slavery & abolition of slavery ,
History of ideas ,
Social issues & processes ,
Social discrimination & inequality ,
Ethnic minorities & multicultural studies ,
Black & Asian studies ,
Central Southern states  
書城編號: 29144459

售價: $980.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2024/12/31 (快將出版)
頁數: 302
ISBN: 9781009522021

This book provides a deeper understanding of American history and the American South's complicated relationship with that history. It will appeal to scholars and students of American history and the American South, as well as general readers interested in history and its relationship to the present.
Cambridge Studies on the American South

Understanding the American South: Slavery, Race, Identity, and the American Century (Hardcover)

Understanding the American South: Slavery, Race, Identity, and the American Century (Paperback)

Thomas Jefferson: A Modern Prometheus (Paperback)

eBook: Freedom's Crescent: The Civil War and the Destruction of Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley (DRM PDF)

eBook: Freedom's Crescent: The Civil War and the Destruction of Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley (DRM EPUB)

Freedom's Crescent: The Civil War and the Destruction of Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley (Paperback)

Freedom's Crescent: The Civil War and the Destruction of Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley (Hardcover)

eBook: Gruesome Looking Objects: A New History of Lynching and Everyday Things (DRM PDF)

eBook: Gruesome Looking Objects: A New History of Lynching and Everyday Things (DRM EPUB)

Black Resettlement and the American Civil War (Paperback)

eBook: Freedom Seekers: Fugitive Slaves in North America, 1800-1860 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Freedom Seekers: Fugitive Slaves in North America, 1800-1860 (DRM PDF)

Lacy K. Jr. Ford 作者作品表

Understanding the American South: Slavery, Race, Identity, and the American Century (Hardcover)

Understanding the American South: Slavery, Race, Identity, and the American Century (Paperback)

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