The Coming of the Fae (Paperback)
作者: Marty C. Lee 
書城編號: 29146866

售價: $180.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/01/26
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9781950230334


What if the fae were real?

The fae are fleeing their dying world, taking a magic-propelled spaceship toward the vision of a blue planet. Gil is excited they have almost reached their new home and the promise of equality for all races. But when an accident injures the king, he must prevent murderous lords from forcing the commoners back into serfdom.

What if they are returning?

Alexandria wants a happy family, but Dad's PTSD is tearing them apart. No wish on a star can solve this problem, but she continues to watch the night sky. Now a new object in the heavens catches her attention-and Dad's. NASA says it's an asteroid; Dad is convinced it's invading aliens. His paranoia might destroy their family.

But the truth might be even worse...

Contemporary YA fantasy with a dash of sci fi & mythology, from the author of Unexpected Heroes.

Marty C. Lee 作者作品表

The Peril of the Fae (Paperback)

The Coming of the Fae (Paperback)

eBook: Legends of Kaiatan (DRM EPUB)

Tales of Kaiatan (Paperback)

eBook: Tales of Kaiatan (DRM EPUB)

Spark of Intrigue (Paperback)

Wave of Dreams (Paperback)

eBook: Wave of Dreams (DRM EPUB)

Seed of War (Paperback)

eBook: Seed of War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wind of Choice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Unexpected Heroes: The Complete Series (DRM EPUB)

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