Bunnie the Bunny with Bugsy the Bunny our lives and other bits (Paperback)
作者: Gary Paul Stephenson 
書城編號: 29148013

售價: $110.00

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出版社: Manjul Pub House Pvt Ltd
出版日期: 2024/11/05
重量: 0.08 kg
ISBN: 9789359837789

Using real life photographs, this is a true story based on the daily lives of two rabbits who live in their owner's home and are allowed freedom of the house and rear garden. This is bunny heaven! The two rabbits are brother and sister and have been with their owners since they were 6 weeks old. No two days are ever the same and both rabbits enjoy their own and human company - if it is on their terms! As you will see from reading this book, rabbits will knock you out with their abilities. Rabbits are not just dumb creatures!

Gary Paul Stephenson 作者作品表

Bunnie the Bunny with Bugsy the Bunny our lives and other bits (Paperback)

The Caribbean Affair (Paperback)

Murder by Truth (Paperback)

The Pacific Affair (Paperback)

Murder by Truth (Paperback)

Pacific Affair (Paperback)

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