The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes-The Murder of the Star-Actress (#5)
作者: 厲河 
書城編號: 29154791

原價: HK$78.00
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出版社: 匯識教育
出版日期: 2023/12
ISBN: 9789888504725

Famous British actress Florence Lawrence and the driver of her carriage had died in a fatal horse-carriage cliff plunge. Upon the request of the Detective Boys, Holmes had agreed to help with the investigation. At the accident scene, a small piece of rag with paint on one side was discovered on the shingle beach where the carriage had landed from the fall. Adding another layer to the mystery, a larger sheet of canvas about 5.5 feet times 5.5 feet was also found dangling on a tree limb above the shingle beach. This sheet of canvas was not only hardened with paste, it was also intentionally creased in some parts.

Working closely together with the late star-actress were the film producer, the director, the scriptwriter, the lead actor and the supporting actress of the upcoming film. The cast and crew all had motive, whether it was because of a love affair, fame and fortune, personal grudges or contractual dispute. So who was the real killer? As it turned out, shocking clues were hiding within the filmmaking itself all this time!
英國著名女星勞倫斯與馬車夫連人帶車雙雙墮崖身亡,福爾摩斯在少年偵探隊的要求下出手調查。他在意外現場的亂石灘上找到一塊染有顏料的布碎,又發現一幅5呎半乘5呎半大小的帆布掛在樹丫上。奇怪的是,這幅忛布不但被糨糊漿過,布上還有一些熨出來的摺皺,令這宗交通意外蒙上一層神秘的色彩。 與死者共事的電影監製、導演、編劇、男主角和女配角等人,為男女私情、為爭逐名利、為私人恩怨、為合約糾紛,都各有殺人動機,但誰才是真正是兇手?踏破鐵鞋無覓處,原來「電影」本身已潛藏着驚人的線索!
厲河 作者作品表

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The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes-The Murder of the Star-Actress (#5)

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