Bone Deluxe Edition Part One: The Valley (Paperback)
作者: Jeff Smith 
書城編號: 29159267

原價: HK$600.00
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出版社: Cartoon Books
出版日期: 2025/07/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781888963908

Cartoon Books is pleased to present the first of four Deluxe Library Editions of the BONE series, on the 30th anniversary of the release of Out from Boneville, the first BONE graphic novel!

This beautiful, oversized book, BONE Deluxe Edition Part One: The Valley, will be 352 pages comprising volumes 1 and 2 of the BONE graphic novels: Out from Boneville and The Great Cow Race. These deluxe collections will be 12.5" x 8.75" trade paperbacks housed in a full color slipcase. The interiors will be black and white as originally presented, but larger than they have ever been printed before! Bonus material includes all illustrated vignettes and additional pages that appeared in the original graphic novels, as well as a color gallery of all the original covers of the issues contained in this first ultimate edition of BONE!

Just like in our last Deluxe Library Edition titled THORN: The Complete Proto-BONE College Strips from 1982-1986, there will be a full color bonus section called "Tales from the Inkwell", a behind the scenes look at the journey of this collection, BONE and Cartoon Books, filled with drawings, interviews, articles and photographs!

BONE tells the story of three misfit cousins - Fone Bone, Phoney Bone and Smiley Bone, who are run out of Boneville and find themselves lost in a vast uncharted desert. They make their way into a deep, forested valley filled with wonderful and terrifying creatures. With the help of the mysterious Thorn, her tough-as-nails Gran'ma Ben and the Great Red Dragon, the boys do their best to survive in the middle of brewing trouble between the valley's denizens. It will be the longest - but funniest - year of their lives!

BONE Deluxe Edition Part One: The Valley, will be released July 2025.

Look for these future Cartoon Books publications: BONE Deluxe Editions Part Two: Phoney Strikes Back, Part Three: Friends and Enemies, Part Four: The Queen of Dreams as well as a Deluxe Library Edition of RASL, and the continuation of TUKI (Book Three of Six) coming soon!

Jeff Smith 作者作品表

Bone Deluxe Edition Part One: The Valley (Paperback)

Thorn: The Complete Proto-Bone College Strips 1982-1986, and Other Early Drawings (Paperback)

Software Engineering Handbook (Hardcover)

Software Engineering: Contemporary Approach (Hardcover)

More Tall Tales: A Graphic Novel (Bone Companion) (Hardcover)

More Tall Tales: A Graphic Novel (Bone Companion) (Paperback)

eBook: Plausible Reason for Your Lousy Behavior (DRM EPUB)

A Plausible Reason for Your Lousy Behavior (Paperback)

eBook: Meaningful Manager: How to Manage What Matters (DRM EPUB)

Bone Adventures (hardcover)

Bone Adventures (paperback)

Reactive Machine Learning Systems (Hardcover)

Bone Bartleby Plush Doll (paperback)

eBook: Pricing Your Portraits: High-Profit Strategies for Photographers (DRM PDF)

eBook: Pricing Your Portraits: High-Profit Strategies for Photographers (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Step-By-Step Posing for Portrait Photography: Simple Lessons for Quick Learning and Reference (DRM PDF)

eBook: Portrait Pro: What You MUST Know to Make Photography Your Career (DRM PDF)

eBook: Portrait Pro: What You MUST Know to Make Photography Your Career (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Photograph the Face: Lighting, Posing, and Postproduction Techniques for Flawless Portraits (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Photograph the Face: Lighting, Posing, and Postproduction Techniques for Flawless Portraits (DRM PDF)

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