Nick Carter: The Lost Case Files: The Trial (Paperback)
作者: Franz Kafka 
書城編號: 29164766

售價: $60.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2024/11/27
重量: 0.1 kg
ISBN: 9798301505966

This adaptation retains some core elements-such as themes of corruption and the struggle for justice-it ultimately transforms them into a different genre with distinct narrative conventions. The focus on action, character agency, and a more straightforward plot reflects the conventions of hardboiled fiction rather than Kafka's existential exploration. It diverges significantly from the original "The Trial," reinterpreting its themes through the lens of a detective story while maintaining some thematic echoes of Kafka's critique of bureaucracy and justice.
Franz Kafka 作者作品表

The Diaries of Franz Kafka (Paperback)

Nick Carter: The Lost Case Files: The Trial (Paperback)

Metamorphosis (Hardcover)

Cartas II (1914-1920) (Hardcover)

Franz Kafka: Das Schloß. Neuausgabe (Paperback)

Metamorphosis: Illustrated by Gaby Verdooren (Hardcover)

Die Verwandlung / Метаморфози: Tranzlaty Deutsch Украї

Die Verwandlung / La Metamorfosi: Tranzlaty Deutsch Italiano (Paperback)

Die Verwandlung / Az átváltozás: Tranzlaty Deutsch Magyar (Paperback)

Die Verwandlung / कायापलट: Tranzlaty Deutsch ह ांदी (Paperback)

Die Verwandlung / Η Μεταμόρφωση: Tranzlaty Deutsch Ελληνι

Die Verwandlung / 変身: Tranzlaty Deutsch 日本語 (Paperback)

Die Verwandlung / Przemiana: Tranzlaty Deutsch Polsku (Paperback)

Die Verwandlung / Превращение: Tranzlaty Deutsch Русск

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Die Verwandlung / التحول: Tranzlaty Deutsch العربية (Paperback)

Die Verwandlung / Метаморфозата: Tranzlaty Deutsch Бъл

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