Paul Bunyan (Anniversary) (paperback)
作者: Steven Kellogg 
分類: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes ,
書城編號: 291653

原價: HK$100.00
現售: HK$95 節省: HK$5

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出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2004/02/03
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780688058005


A funny retelling of the tallest of tall tales, the rollicking adventures of Paul Bunyan and his great blue ox, paired with the extravagant and lively illustrations of Steven Kellogg. Perfect for read-alouds full of laughter

Do you know who was the largest baby ever born in the state of Maine? What about who dug the Great Lakes? Or who gouged out the Grand Canyon? Why, it was Paul Bunyan, of course, America's finest, fastest, funniest lumberman and favorite folktale hero

In this engaging tale, beloved children's author Steven Kellogg combines exuberant illustrations with a hysterical text to create a truly legendary tale. This is a fun tall tale to share at home or in the classroom.

Steven Kellogg 作者作品表

Johnny Appleseed (paperback)

The Mysterious Tadpole (Anniversary) (paperback)

Paul Bunyan (Anniversary) (paperback)

A Penguin Pup for Pinkerton (B-PA Picture bk)

The Missing Mitten Mystery

Pinkerton 16c counter display (S-Ctr Disp Sgl)

Pinkerton, Behave! (Picture Puffin Books)

Jack and the Beanstalk (paperback)


Won't Somebody Play with Me? (B-PA Picture bk)

Prehistoric Pinkerton (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mystery of the Stolen Blue Paint (B-PA Picture bk)

The Island of the Skog (paperback)

Can I Keep Him? (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mysterious Tadpole (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mystery of the Missing Red Mitten (B-PA Picture bk)

A Rose for Pinkerton (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mystery of the Flying Orange Pumpkin (B-PA Picture bk)

Mysterious Tadpole 4-copy (S-Prepack)

Pecos Bill (paperback)

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