Push, Pull, Slide! Diggers (Board Books)
作者: Bobbie Brooks 
書城編號: 29169187

原價: HK$120.00
現售: HK$114 節省: HK$6

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出版社: Gemini Childrens
出版日期: 2025/06/10 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781836160625


Explore and learn all about the construction site and construction vehicles with this interactive book that's full of diggers and dump trucks to move as you push, pull, and slide the card tabs on the pages!

There is a chunky card mechanism on each page to push, pull, or slide to make the noisy construction pictures come to life! The simple, easy-to-read story accompanies bright and friendly illustrations of busy construction scenes that feature lots of things to see and say as you read through the book.

The sturdy card push and pull mechanisms are perfect for little hands to interact with as they move the machines and discover the additional construction-themed facts on each noisy scene.

Bobbie Brooks 作者作品表

Can You Tickle a Reindeer? (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Ocean (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Rescue (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Rescue (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Ocean (Board Books)

Can You Tickle a Ghost? (Board Books)

Animal Shapes: A First Shapes Book (Board Books)

Animal Shapes: A First Shapes Book (Board Books)

Things That Go: A Vehicle Sounds Book (Board Books)

Things That Go: A Vehicle Sounds Book (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Diggers (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Farm (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Farm (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Diggers (Board Books)

On the Farm Counting: A Counting Book (Board Books)

Ocean Colors: A First Colors Book (Board Books)

On the Farm Counting: A Counting Book (Board Books)

Ocean Colors: A First Colors Book (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Dinosaur (Board Books)

Push, Pull, Slide! Space (Board Books)

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