Muscle Car Barn Finds: Rusty Road Runners, Abandoned Amxs, Crusty Camaros and More! (Paperback)
作者: Ryan Brutt 
書城編號: 29170589

原價: HK$350.00
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出版社: Motorbooks Intl
出版日期: 2025/02/04 (快將出版)
重量: 0.65 kg
ISBN: 9780760399354

It's no secret among car collectors and enthusiasts that the pursuit of "lost" cars is what drives many gearheads.

Finding an abandoned, restorable car is one of the most common dreams among collectors and a touchstone for the hobby. Top shows like the Pebble Beach Concours and Chicago's Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals have added special classes devoted to original and barn find vehicles.

Author and photographer Ryan Brutt is the "automotive archaeologist", author of the CarsInBarns blog, and a monthly columnist for Hot Rod magazine. Brutt has selected his best muscle car images for Muscle Car Barn Finds. No searching the back roads required--just kick up your feet and begin your barn-finding adventure by turning the page.

These old warriors aren't dead, just resting. A drive in the country or through a small-town back street will reveal them lurking under tarps, hidden behind garage doors, stashed behind fences from prying eyes.

Ryan Brutt 作者作品表

Muscle Car Barn Finds: Rusty Road Runners, Abandoned Amxs, Crusty Camaros and More! (Paperback)

Muscle Car Barn Finds: Rusty Road Runners, Abandoned Amxs, Crusty Camaros and More! (Paperback)

Muscle Car Barn Finds (Hardcover)

eBook: Muscle Car Barn Finds: Rusty Road Runners, Abandoned AMXs, Crusty Camaros and More! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Amazing Barn Finds and Roadside Relics: Musty Mustangs, Hidden Hudsons, Forgotten Fords, and Other Lost Automotive Gems (DRM EPUB)

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