Nuts to You! (paperback)
作者: Lois Ehlert 
書城編號: 293569

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Voyager Paperbacks
出版日期: 2004/08/01
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9780152050641

It's summer in the city, and a rascally squirrel is up to all sorts of tricks. He digs and eats and zips and hides, but when he sneaks inside an apartment window, it's time for a nutty solution to get him out. Labels identify plants, birds, and insects on each page, and a glossary at the back of the book offers factual details about squirrels. "The simple, spirited plot, lively verse, and stunning double-page spreads will make Nuts to You! a storytime standard."--School Library Journal
Lois Ehlert 作者作品表

Red & Green (Hardcover)

Leaf Man: Big Book (Paperback)

Lots of Spots (hardcover)

eBook: Planting a Rainbow (DRM EPUB)

Rrralph (hardcover)

Lots of Spots (hardcover)

Boo to You! (hardcover)

Wag a Tail

Leaf Man (hardcover)

Nuts to You! (paperback)

Pie in the Sky (hardcover)

Un Lazo a la Luna/Moon Rope: Una Leyenda Peruana/A Peruvian Folktale (paperback)

Planting a Rainbow

Waiting for Wings (hardcover)

Top Cat (Paperback)

Cuckoo/Cucu: A Mexican Folktale/Un Cuento Folklorico Mexicano (Voyager Books) (paperback)

Snowballs (paperback)

Color Zoo Board Book (hardcover)

Feathers for Lunch (paperback)

Snowballs (hardcover)

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