The Little Scarecrow Boy (paperback)
作者: Margaret Wise Brown 
書城編號: 296819

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: HarperTrophy
出版日期: 2005/07/26
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780060778910


The celebrated author of Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny joins forces with the Caldecott Medalist of Smoky Night to tell this tender story about loving and enduring family relationships.

With words by the renowned Margaret Wise Brown and illustrations by David Diaz, this treasured picture book tells the tale of a little scarecrow boy and the lessons he learns from his scarecrow father about the world--until he decides to test his knowledge and himself.

This tender and funny story celebrates the tradition of passing knowledge from one generation to the next, and the exuberance of reaching one's potential. Especially perfect for sharing during the Halloween season.

"The scarecrow boy will enchant young readers. He may be made of straw, but he is all heart--and so is this picture book." --Publishers Weekly

"A sunny coming-of-age story." --School Library Journal

Margaret Wise Brown 作者作品表

eBook: He and She (DRM EPUB)

El Conejito Andarín Board Book: The Runaway Bunny Board Book (Spanish Edition) (Board Books)

eBook: Unpublished: The Found Manuscripts of Margaret Wise Brown (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Margaret Wise Brown's Unpublished Works (DRM EPUB)

Todos Lo Vieron (Hardcover)

eBook: Willie the Whistling Giraffe and Other Works (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Stories to Be Sung and Songs to Be Told (DRM EPUB)

Goodnight Moon 75th Anniversary Slipcase Edition (Hardcover)

Goodnight Moon (Paperback)

The Noon Balloon (Margaret Wise Brown Classics) (Hardcover)

Goodnight Songs Treasury (Hardcover)

Good Little Bad Little Pig! (Margaret Wise Brown Classics) (Hardcover)

Count to 10 With a Mouse (Hardcover)

Good Day, Good Night (Paperback)

Celebration of the Seasons, A (Hardcover)

Train to Timbuctoo (Hardcover)

Golden Egg Book (Hardcover)

Good Day, Good Night (Hardcover)

Goodnight Songs (Hardcover)

Poky Little Puppy and Friends (Hardcover)

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