My Car (paperback)
作者: Byron Barton 
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 296853

原價: HK$80.00
現售: HK$76 節省: HK$4

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出版社: HarperTrophy
出版日期: 2004/08/10
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780060589400


With bright, clear art and prose as clean as Sam the narrator's shiny engine, this preschooler-friendly book explores transportation, the parts of a car, signs and signals, night and day, community, and occupations.

Bright, graphic artwork invites readers to count, name colors and shapes, and follow Sam and his car as they drive through a bustling world from Sam's home in the country to his job in the city. Named to numerous "best of the year" lists, My Car features vehicles, signs and signals, and a surprise ending. "For young children intrigued by cars, this book is simply wonderful."--ALA Booklist

Byron Barton is the celebrated creator of numerous picture books for very young children, including Trucks, My Bus, and Building a House.

Byron Barton 作者作品表

My House (Hardcover)

My Car (Paperback)

My House (Hardcover)

My Bike (Hardcover)

My Bike

My Bus

My Car (paperback)

My Car Board Book (hardcover)

Boats Board Book (hardcover)

Planes Board Book (hardcover)

Trains Board Book (hardcover)

Trucks Board Book (hardcover)

Machines at Work Board Book (hardcover)

The Three Bears Board Book (hardcover)

The Little Red Hen Board Book (hardcover)

Little Red Hen Big Book (Paperback)

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Board Book (hardcover)

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs (paperback)

I Want to Be an Astronaut (paperback)

The Three Bears (Library) (hardcover)

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