The Island of the Skog (paperback)
作者: Steven Kellogg 
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Educational: Geography  
書城編號: 297014

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Puffin Books
出版日期: 1993/03/01
重量: 0.12 kg
ISBN: 9780140546491

Shout it once Shout it twice
Friends forever Skog and mice

Since its publication in 1973, The Island of the Skog has been a favorite of children everywhere-and of the author himself We're delighted to remind you of this beloved book on its thirtieth birthday.

Jenny and her city-mouse friends take to the seas in search of a more peaceful place to live. But when they arrive at what first seems the island of their dreams, they have a giant problem to contend with: the island's only inhabitant, the Skog. Judging by his enormous footprints, he seems a more terrible threat than a hundred urban cats and dogs. How will the mice master their new domain?

Funny, exciting and sweet, The Island of the Skog is a timeless tale of cooperation and compromise. It won the Michigan State Young Readers Award, and was included on Booklist's Books for Every Child and the CBC Books for Peace list.

Steven Kellogg 作者作品表

Johnny Appleseed (paperback)

The Mysterious Tadpole (Anniversary) (paperback)

Paul Bunyan (Anniversary) (paperback)

A Penguin Pup for Pinkerton (B-PA Picture bk)

The Missing Mitten Mystery

Pinkerton 16c counter display (S-Ctr Disp Sgl)

Pinkerton, Behave! (Picture Puffin Books)

Jack and the Beanstalk (paperback)


Won't Somebody Play with Me? (B-PA Picture bk)

Prehistoric Pinkerton (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mystery of the Stolen Blue Paint (B-PA Picture bk)

The Island of the Skog (paperback)

Can I Keep Him? (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mysterious Tadpole (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mystery of the Missing Red Mitten (B-PA Picture bk)

A Rose for Pinkerton (B-PA Picture bk)

The Mystery of the Flying Orange Pumpkin (B-PA Picture bk)

Mysterious Tadpole 4-copy (S-Prepack)

Pecos Bill (paperback)

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