First Year Letters (paperback)
作者: Julie Danneberg 
書城編號: 297804

原價: HK$80.00
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出版社: Charlesbridge Publishing
出版日期: 2003/02/01
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781580890854

In this sequel to FIRST DAY JITTERS, Sarah Jane Hartwell receives letters from her students, the principal, and even the janitor, in this epistolary tale about all that can happen over the course of one school year. As every first-year teacher knows, a classroom full of second graders can be alarmingly unpredictable.

The letters the children write to Mrs. Hartwell are sympathetic ("I figured you might be a little scared, just like me"); informative ("...most kids don't eat cauliflower"); encouraging ("Yesterday was THE BEST "); and apologetic ("I'm sorry about throwing up all over your shoes"). Even a local firefighter writes to Sarah Jane.

Fun, funny, and heart-warming, Danneberg's newest installment in the Mrs. Hartwell Classroom series is sure to delight both teachers and children as they follow Mrs. Hartwell and her class through the year. Classes will be inspired to write letters to their own teachers about their favorite, or wildest, days of the year.

Julie Danneberg 作者作品表

Sick Day Jitters (Paperback)

Big Test Jitters (paperback)

John Muir Wrestles a Waterfall (Hardcover)

Field-Trip Fiasco (Paperback)

Monet Paints a Day (Hardcover)

Last Day Blues (paperback)

First Year Letters (paperback)

First Day Jitters (hardcover)

First Day Jitters (paperback)

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