United States (BB) (hardcover)
作者: Julie Murray 
書城編號: 300784

原價: HK$10000.00
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出版社: Buddy Books
出版日期: 2006/01/01
重量: 11.78 kg
ISBN: 9781596793262

These fun, fact-filled books are perfect for young researchers. The history, geography, and people of each state are covered in these books. The text is enhanced with maps, photos, and graphs. Timelines and fast-facts sections reinforce the text. The detailed and well-written books are ideal for both research and entertainment.
Julie Murray 作者作品表

Camiones En La Ciudad (City Trucks) (Library Binding)

Bee or Wasp? (Library Binding)

Alligator or Crocodile? (Library Binding)

Uakari (Library Binding)

Sun Bear (Library Binding)

Secretary Bird (Library Binding)

Saiga Antelope (Library Binding)

Glass Frog (Library Binding)

Fossa (Library Binding)

Queen Butterfly (Library Binding)

Queen Angelfish (Library Binding)

Princess Parrot (Library Binding)

King Vulture (Library Binding)

King Penguin (Library Binding)

Frog or Toad? (Library Binding)

Monkey or Ape? (Library Binding)

Turtle or Tortoise? (Library Binding)

King Cobra (Library Binding)

The Titanic Sinking & Rescue (Library Binding)

People on the Titanic (Library Binding)

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