Emily of New Moon (Emily Novels)
作者: L. M. Montgomery 
分類: Classic fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 303238

原價: HK$80.00
現售: HK$76 節省: HK$4

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出版社: Laurel Leaf
出版日期: 1983/04/01
頁數: 352
重量: 0.17 kg
ISBN: 9780553233704

From the author of Anne of Green Gables, the first book of the beloved Emily trilogy--recently seen on Netflix's hit show Russian Doll

Emily Starr never knew what it was to be lonely--until her beloved father died. Now Emily's an orphan, and her snobbish relatives are taking her to live with them at New Moon Farm. Although she's sure she'll never be happy there, Emily deals with her stern aunt Elizabeth and her malicious classmates by using her quick wit and holding her head high.

In this first volume of the celebrated Emily trilogy, Lucy Maud Montgomery draws a more realistic portrait of a young orphan girl's life on early twentieth-century Prince Edward Island. Along with Emily Climbs and Emily's Quest, Emily of New Moon insightfully portrays the beauty and anguish of growing up.

L. M. Montgomery 作者作品表

Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover)

Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover)

Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover)

Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover)

Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover)

Anne of Green Gables (Hardcover)

Anne of Ingleside (Paperback)

Anne of Green Gables: Illustrated Edition (Paperback)

Anne of Green Gables (Paperback)

Emily Climbs (Paperback)

Christmas with Anne of Green Gables and Other Stories (Hardcover)

Christmas with Anne of Green Gables and Other Stories (Paperback)

Emily Climbs (Hardcover)

Emily Climbs (Hardcover)

Emily Climbs (Paperback)

eBook: Blue Castle (DRM EPUB)

The Blue Castle (Hardcover)

The Blue Castle: A Romantic Novel (Compact Disc)

The Blue Castle: A Romantic Novel (MP3 CD)

Anne of Green Gables (Illustrated Edition) (Hardcover)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

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