Flying Lessons (Paperback)
作者: Maeve Friel 
分類: Fantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 7 years  
書城編號: 304300

原價: HK$60.00
現售: HK$57 節省: HK$3

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出版日期: 2011/09/09
尺寸: 196x126x6mm
重量: 0.07 kg
ISBN: 9780007133413
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The first title in a new series of magical books for younger readers, by Irish author Maeve Friel. On Jessica's tenth birthday she discovers she is a young witch...Launch title of Roaring Good Reads series.

The first in a new series of magical books for younger readers, by Irish author, Maeve Friel. Jessica thinks she is an ordinary ten-year-old girl but by the end of this first book, she is on the way to becoming a very bright young witch! When she sees the broomstick for sale outside Miss Strega's hardware shop, Jessica is intrigued. for on the price label it also says: Flying Lessons Extra. Jessica can't resist peeking inside the shop and ends up beginning her first lesson in witchcraft. Jessica learns that there is more to learn about flying a broomstick than meets the eye. First, you have to use the branches as gears - so the twigs must be in front of you, not behind you as every other witchy book show. The foremost twigs are for twirling, zooming, spinning, ducking, diving, moon-vaulting, and star falling. The Eject twig, is for getting rid of unwanted hangers on, Goblins, dragons - any sort of pest that tries to hitch a ride. Join Jess as she works towards her Flying Certificate and becomes a GASP of BR[EATH] in order words, a Graduate Airborne Spinner of Broom Riders [Earth and the Heavens]!

Launch title in the Roaring Good Reads younger fiction promotion from Collins to be launched this month.

Maeve Friel 作者作品表

Felix, Puss in Boots (Paperback)

Felix, Puss in Boots (Hardcover)

Felix Takes the Blame (Paperback)

Flying Lessons (Paperback)

Brewing Up (Paperback)

Tiger Lily a Heroine for All Seasons! (Paperback)

Felix and the Kitten (Paperback)

Tiger Lily: A Heroine with a Mission (Paperback)

Tiger Lily: A Heroine in the Making (Paperback)

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