Basic Electrical Installation Work: 6th Edition

新版 已出版

作者: Trevor Linsley 
書城編號: 313132

原價: HK$400.00
現售: HK$380 節省: HK$20

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2011/05
尺寸: 277x218x27mm
重量: 1439 grams
ISBN: 9780080966281


This textbook covers all the material you need to pass the first part of the new City & Guilds 2357 Diploma in Electrotechnical Technology

Aligned with the 17th edition IEE Wiring Regulations, this new edition has been thoroughly updated to cover the ‘knowledge’ section of the latest 2357 course. Written in an accessible style and with a separate chapter for each unit, this book helps you to master each topic before moving on to the next. End of chapter revision questions help you to check your understanding and consolidate the key concepts learned in each chapter. With associated online animations and instructional videos to further support your learning, this is the text that no electrical installations student should be without.

Also available:

Advanced Electrical Installation Work 6th edition

Trevor Linsley

ISBN: 9780080970424


"The Trevor Linsley books are an excellent resource and precisely relevant for our learners"

John Williams, Coleg Sir Gar

"Very appropriate, will be purchasing lots more for students"

James Seddon, Coleg Powys

"Very well presented and easy to read material, suitable for old and new qualification"

Gurdev Banwait, Amersham and Wycombe College

"Another excellent resource updated with diagrams"

Craig Robinson, Cambridge Regional College


1 Understanding health and safety legislation, practices and procedures

2 Understanding environmental legislation and environmental technology systems

3 Organising the work environment

4 Electrical supply systems, earthing arrangements and protective devices

5 Preparation and installation of wiring systems

6 Termination and connection of conductors and cables

7 Inspection, testing and commissioning electrical installations

8 Fault diagnosis and repair

9 Electrical scientifi c theory

Answers to check your understanding

Appendix A: Abbreviations, sym codes

Appendix B: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) publications and information

Appendix C: Environmental organisations

Glossary of terms


Trevor Linsley 作者作品表

Advanced Electrical Installation Work (Paperback)

eBook: Advanced Electrical Installation Work: City and Guilds Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Advanced Electrical Installation Work: City and Guilds Edition (DRM PDF)

eBook: Electrical Installation Work: Level 3: EAL Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Electrical Installation Work: Level 3: EAL Edition (DRM PDF)

Electrical Installation Work: Level 3 (Paperback)

eBook: Electrical Installation Work: Level 2: EAL Edition (DRM PDF)

Electrical Installation Work: Level 2 (Paperback)

eBook: Electrical Installation Work: Level 2: EAL Edition (DRM EPUB)

Basic Electrical Installation Work (Paperback)

eBook: Basic Electrical Installation Work (DRM PDF)

eBook: Basic Electrical Installation Work (DRM EPUB)

Advanced Electrical Installation Work 2365 Edtion (Paperback)

eBook: Basic Electrical Installation Work 2365 Edition (DRM EPUB)

Basic Electrical Installation Work (Paperback)

eBook: Electronic Servicing and Repairs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Electronic Servicing and Repairs (DRM PDF)

Introduction to Electrical Installation Work (Paperback)

eBook: Introduction to Electrical Installation Work (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Introduction to Electrical Installation Work (DRM PDF)

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