Approval Junkie: My Heartfelt (and Occasionally Inappropriate) Quest to Please Just about Everyone, and Ultimately Myself (Paperback)
作者: Faith Salie 
分類: Biography: general ,
Autobiography: general ,
Diaries, letters & journals ,
書城編號: 3138435

原價: HK$160.00
現售: HK$152 節省: HK$8

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出版社: Crown Archetype
出版日期: 2017/04/18
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780553419955
>> 相關電子書

From comedian and journalist Faith Salie, of NPR's Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me and CBS News Sunday Morning, a collection of daring, funny essays chronicling the author's adventures during her lifelong quest for approval

Faith Salie has done it all in the name of validation. Whether she's trying to impress her parents with a perfect GPA, undergoing an exorcism to save her toxic marriage, or baking a 3D excavator cake for her son's birthday, Salie is the ultimate approval seeker--an "approval junkie, " if you will.

In this collection of daring, honest essays, Salie shares stories from her lifelong quest for gold stars, recounting her strategy for winning (very Southern) high school beauty pageant; her struggle to pick the perfect outfit to wear to her divorce; and her difficulty falling in love again, and then conceiving, in the years following her mother's death.

With thoughtful irreverence, Salie reflects on why she tries so hard to please others, and herself, highlighting a phenomenon that many people--especially women--experience at home and in the workplace. Equal parts laugh-out loud funny and poignant, Approval Junkie is one woman's journey to realizing that seeking approval from others is more than just getting them to like you--it's challenging yourself to achieve, and survive, more than you ever thought you could.

Faith Salie 作者作品表

Approval Junkie (MP3 CD)

eBook: Approval Junkie (DRM EPUB)

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