The Cake Decorating Bible: The step-by-step guide from ITV's 'Beautiful Baking' expert Juliet Sear (Hardcover)
作者: Juliet Sear 
分類: TV / celebrity chef cookbooks ,
Cakes, baking, icing & sugarcraft  
書城編號: 313966

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Ebury Press
出版日期: 2013/02/01
尺寸: 253x198x22mm
重量: 0.95 kg
ISBN: 9780091946685
>> 相關電子書


Squarely aimed at the home baker, the definitive guide to ensuring that cakes, cupcakes, and cookies are as stunning as they are delicious

Juliet Sear is at the forefront of contemporary cake design, with celebrities flocking to her cake shop. In this elegant book, Juliet teaches all the basics of cake decoration--how to pipe buttercream, ice cookies, and use glitter and dyes to decorate cupcakes--before building up skills and confidence so that tiered cakes and chocolate ganaches can be whipped up in the blink of an eye. And alongside all Juliet's invaluable tips, cheats, and troubleshooting advice for how to remedy "cake-tastrophes" the book is packed with step-by-step photography of all the techniques and stunning shots of Juliet's inspiring designs, ensuring that all readers can create show-stopping cakes. Includes metric measures.

Juliet Sear 作者作品表

Air Fryer Baking Magic: Over 100 Incredible Recipes for Every Baking Occasion (Hardcover)

eBook: Air Fryer Baking Magic: 100 Incredible Recipes for Every Baking Occasion (DRM EPUB)

Botanical Baking: Contemporary Baking and Cake Decorating with Edible Flowers and Herbs (Paperback)

Botanical Baking (Hardcover)

eBook: Botanical Baking: Contemporary baking and cake decorating with edible flowers and herbs (DRM EPUB)

Kawaii Cakes (Hardcover)

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects (Hardcover)

The Cake Decorating Bible: The step-by-step guide from ITV's 'Beautiful Baking' expert Juliet Sear (Hardcover)

eBook: Cake Decorating Bible: The step-by-step guide from ITV s Beautiful Baking expert Juliet Sear (DRM EPUB)

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