Would You Believe...in 1400, Reading Could Save Your Life?! (Paperback)
作者: Richard Platt 
書城編號: 329366

原價: HK$140.00
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出版日期: 2015/05/01
尺寸: 246x190x9mm
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9780199118700

In this interesting book, readers will learn about the often painful and frequently distasteful educational practices that our ancestors employed, and explore some unusual teaching methods used today. Find out about the Neolithic cave school, the English charity boarding school in Dickensian times, where pupils shared their boarding rooms with chickens and turkeys, and the one-room school in Nebraska where the handful of pupils ride to school on horses.
Richard Platt 作者作品表

A World of Information (Hardcover)

The Germ Lab: The Gruesome Story of Deadly Diseases (Paperback)

Stephen Biesty's Incredible Body Cross-Sections (Hardcover)

The Germ Lab: The Gruesome Story of Deadly Diseases (Hardcover)

The Germ Lab (hardcover)

World of Discovery (Hardcover)

A Question of Trust (Paperback)

How They Made Things Work: Greeks (Paperback)

How They Made Things Work: In the Age of Industry (Paperback)

How They Made Things Work: Romans (Paperback)

How They Made Things Work: Egyptians (Paperback)

Halloween (Hardcover)

World Of Information (Hardcover)

Would You Believe...in 1400, Reading Could Save Your Life?! (Paperback)

Would You Believe... a Circus Horse Could Count?! (Paperback)

The Ultimate Book about Me: Discover What Makes You 'You!' (paperback)

Pirate Diary (Paperback)

Castle Diary (Paperback)

eBook: Galactic Mission (DRM EPUB)

Project X Origins: Dark Red+ Book band, Oxford Level 19: Fears and Frights: Foolish Fears (Paperback)

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